• Do you feel bad after this coronavirus lockdown? Are you afraid to go out and meet people or shop, thinking that you can catch the virus? Are you worried and afraid of the world around you? If you feel unaffected, you have done well. But there are many people who think differently about the world around them. This is because their thinking and perceptions are affected, and thus their mental health is affected.

    It involves different types of thinking. We have emotional thinking, philosophical thinking, scientific thinking, bureaucratic thinking, political thinking, spontaneous thinking, rational thinking, wishful thinking, etc.

    Each type of thinking can lead a person in different directions and jump to different conclusions. But if you are interested in improving your mental health, rational thinking is the way to remove confusion and chaos in your mind. Rational thought takes into account all other types of thinking.

    First, let us consider emotional thinking. Here you are doing what your heart says. There is no rhyme or logic involved. You will not be open to any sensible arguments or suggestions. If you walk this path, please be prepared for heartache and tears.

    Then there is philosophical thinking. Here you are involved in trying to find the reason for your being in this world and how you can organize and live your life according to some principles established to follow you. This can be a path to create confusion.

    In scientific thinking, we are concerned with understanding the nature of things and our physical world and how the forces of nature affect us physically and mentally. There are many people who claim to be scientists but are actually pseudoscientists. They hide behind science and use science as an ego-boosting practice. So any scientist who ignores the mental side of his being is likely to have very little information in his mind. When one has little or no self-knowledge, one can quickly become a bureaucrat. We see evidence of this everywhere in the world.

    Of course, the most powerful and influential thinking is legal thinking, which is bureaucratic thinking. It has a powerful conditioning effect on the individual. Since we need the rule of law to run any society, we make rules and laws for ourselves to avoid chaos. So where there is a traffic junction, for example, we put a stop sign. Where we see some danger on the road, we indicate the speed limit. All this is to help us use our works. So if any traffic is at the junction, one should look left and right before entering. Also, if there is a 100 kmph speed limit, it does not mean that one has to drive 100 kmph. Anyone who can drive will have to consider road conditions. Again anyone can see that we have to use our commonsense in everything we do.

    However, there is a major flaw in this legal thinking. That is, when we apply the law in any situation, only the letter of the law is followed. There are no considerations for the use of any morality, commonsense or moral principles. It is simple thinking that limits one's intelligence. So when we come to the STOP sign, it means full stop even when there is no traffic. The vehicle should not be moving, and if you are driving slightly above the 100 kmph speed limit sign, it means that you are breaking the law. You will be fined. We call this bureaucratic thinking.

    The reason for such bureaucratic thinking in law where there is not just the letter and soul of the law to avoid any logic or confusion. It protects those operating the code from any prosecution. All they have to do is stick to the letter of the law, and no one will blame them if anything goes wrong. It also leads to some totalitarian and bullying types of behavior because they feel empowered by being able to enforce the law. So does this mean that if someone sticks to the letter of the law then it cannot be wrong?

    Let us see what the coronovirus crisis did to the medical profession. Once, the doctor-patient had a direct relationship. For example, no euthanasia law requirement arose, because the physician did what was medically best for the patient. Now with consumerism and litigation laws, medical thinking has changed. Doctors have become bureaucratic thinkers. They are conditioned to think that they have to save life, even if they see a patient suffering from a disease with an incurable disease, no matter what the cost.

    So when coronovirus hit the scene, it shook the doctors and caused death. They feared that hospitals and health systems would not be able to cope with the resources that they had. He therefore advised governments to go into lockdown. Governments also collapsed. With the choice between saving human lives and damaging the economy, they are in lockdown.

    Spooked politicians also justify their actions by using the virus as a bogeyman. They have now found a way to control the population. Vandalizing bureaucrats in the economy are proudly pointing out how successful they have been in protecting you. They are already taking credit for starting to rebuild the economy. Yes, no one can ever win against the bureaucracy. Meanwhile, you are warned that if you do not follow their instructions, the bogeyman will get you.

    So let us look at this bogeyman. It is a Kovid-19 virus infection. There is no known cure for any virus infection. Like the influenza virus, it kills people. All viruses spread the infection, so one should expect the virus to spread. All the measures we have taken only slow down the virus. They do not eliminate or kill the virus. Like any virus, this Kovid-19 will affect people with weakened immune systems. The elderly and people with co-morbidities are more affected than the young. When we return to some normality in grouping, this flat curve of infection is sure to increase. Like the influenza virus, it will come and go.

    Does this mean that the country has to go into lockdown again as the transition progresses? If someone is found to be Kovid-19 positive in the workplace, does that mean we have to close the entire space? If a child in a class is found to be Kovid-19 positive, do we close the entire school? If someone who is feeling perfectly healthy and who has a Kovid-19 app on their mobile, gets a message that he was possessed by a Kovid-19 positive person. He is advised to get the virus tested. What should he do? Won't we cause anxiety in the person until he gets a test? Isn't it like asking someone to add bone to themselves? Is this a way to improve the mental health of society? Is this the way of the future?

    Surely we have to accept the fact that we have to take risks at all times in our daily lives. When we are crossing the road, we are taking risks. When we are driving a car, we are taking a risk. Also, when we are traveling in a bus or plane, we are taking risks. Then why have we turned this coronavirus into a swamp? Since the medical profession is the custodian of the physical and mental health of the people, should it not be our involvement in protecting it from this quagmire rather than engaging with politicians?

    Fear is the biggest enemy of man. It creates negative feelings and thus takes adverse action. We have to face it, not embrace it. The medical profession should educate the public about the virus, not to help make the bogeyman to look under their beds. Also, does the media not bear any responsibility in all this?

    In future there will be more viruses to infect the society. Are we going to go into lockdown every time? Remember, a scattered mind is a mind that suffers from a disorder of perception. How can it be expected to think rationally?

    How to create a Crisis Response Landing Page

    Importance of updating your website for COVID-19

    Whether you are hosting a webinar, putting away a special report, selling an event, or presenting a video series, a landing page inspires your visitors to participate in some way.

    Creating a crisis response landing page is a bit different because you are not trying to convert leads into sales - you are trying to send a serious message to your customers.

    Why should you have a separate crisis-related page? Your visitors are confident and searching for resources, whether it is around health precautions or to prevent the spread of coronovirus or to prevent changes in your opening hours. Having a crisis response plan is important for your small business, and a big part of it is the message.

    As the coffee chain JJ Bean is talking about their gradual reopening.

    What is a landing page?

    This is only a website page, but it often looks different from your specific website. It has a primary focus - single "action to action" or focused objectives that you want your visitors to pay attention to.

    This is about keeping the visitor focused on that main objective: your response to COVID-19.

    Dos and donuts for creating COVID-19 landing page

    Click-through website pages are designed to convince the visitor to click to another page.

    This is often done on an eCommerce site, where a marketing campaign will send people to a click-through website pages and provide compelling details about a specific program, product, or service. There will be a button that will inspire people to buy the things you sell.

    If you have a call to action on your COVID-19 response landing page, make sure it is sensitive and relevant. For example, if you provide consulting services or sell wellness-related items that consumers are looking for during this time, it is okay to tell people how to use their offerings.

    For example, The Broken Whisk Restaurant has a COVID-19 landing page, which informs people about their heat and serves the food served to them.

    However, if your small business sells completely unrelated items, do not keep the pages of your information website with them. The rest of the members of your website can do this; Save your COVID-19 landing page for informational purposes. This communication is part of your epidemic response plan, not a sales pitch.

    The same goes for lead generation. Marketers use lead generation website pages to enter names, email addresses and perhaps other information (such as a phone number or business) into a database list, which is stored in a newspaper platform service.

    Then, that database list can be used to follow up with those who have signed up, either through an autoresponder series, a promotional campaign, or other newspaper.


    You want to avoid the signup form on your COVID-19 response landing page. Even if you have coronovirus-specific resources to share, now is not the time to try to grab leads from a page like this.

    The BC Chamber of Commerce has a page of resources for businesses affected by COVID-19.

    6 ways to create an optimal coronavirus landing page

    This is not as easy as putting a page on your website and waiting for traffic to flow (like the rest of your website)!

    Here are five ways to design your experience that will resonate with your visitors:

    Start with a clean design. This page of your website should be simple and focused. Website pages with balanced "white space" make it easy for visitors to focus on your coronavirus message.

    COVID-19 Resources for Our Customers" will attract people's attention.

    Add images. Probably not a close-up of the virus itself, which we see on many news sites! Photographs of employees of your store or restaurant, an image on the outside if it is relevant to your small business… use your imagination.

    Be sympathetic. Be clear about why your visitor is on this page and to ensure that you are addressing their current needs, challenges and even apprehensions. Show you empathy with those needs and demonstrate that they are in the right place.

    keep it simple. In this case, less is more. Do not add additional links, acronyms or visuals that distract your visitors. The whole point of this separate page is to keep the audience focused on the message.

    Format your text. This is especially true if you have too much copy. Bold headers, make certain text stand out in italics and add color to make your page more dynamic.

    This is a challenging time for small businesses and customers. The more information and peace of mind you can provide to your website visitors the better. By creating an epidemic response plan and a separate coronavirus landing page, it shows that you are thinking and caring about your customers.

    If you need to make a landing page specific, which your site visitors need from you right now, reach out here, we are here to help you.

    Susan Friesen, founder of award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a web specialist, business and marketing consultant, and social media consultant. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with the lack of knowledge, skills and support necessary to build their online business presence.

    As a result of working with Suzanne and her team, customers feel relieved and relieved to know their online marketing, and are confident of their peace of mind with an ideal support system to guide them in every direction To focus on building their business together. Step of the way.

































































































































































































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